Posted By da Agency
Hot Issues for vending – May 2020

  • Coronavirus restrictions finally easing in some markets; massive drop in vending sales reported.

    The ongoing coronavirus outbreak continues to bring wide-ranging societal changes to almost all European countries, with businesses (temporarily) closing and vending operators reporting up to 90% of lost sales. There are now thankfully signs that perhaps the peak is being reached (or already past) in a number of countries, meaning we should expect an easing of lockdown restrictions in the coming weeks. Austria, Germany, Spain and Italy are a few countries already beginning to lift some measures, but we know that it will be some time yet before full economic activities have returned.

    Over the last weeks the EVA President Paolo Ghidotti sent a letter to the five EU Institution Presidents asking for urgent financial support for our industry, while the EVA  is currently providing a weekly update on the support measures announced or available in European markets, some of which are directly relevant for vending operators and companies. We have also published a press release explaining that vending machines are safe and remain open during the lockdowns, and providing recommendations and behavioural reminders for consumers for using vending machines. We are pleased that several countries have made it clear that vending machines are an essential provider of food and beverages during the restrictions.

    The national vending associations are also fully mobilised and outlining local governmental and business support to their members. Recent examples include the Polish Vending Association (PSV) launching a project to place face masks and hand sanitisers in vending machines in Polish cities, in order to help vending operators during this difficult period. The German Vending Association (BDV) has also published recommendations on how best to restart hot drinks machines, after a period of inactivity. The Spanish Vending Association (ANEDA) developed some stickers for vending machines in order to remind consumers about the necessary hygiene rules.

    EVA responds to draft EU Commission Single Use Plastic guidance.

    As part of Directive 2019/904 which bans certain Single Use Plastic (SUP) items and restricts others such as beverage cups, the Commission is required to publish what is considered a SUP product for the purposes of the legislation – The EVA has now responded to the initial guidance outline.

    Despite all the efforts and political pressure over the last two years particularly to ban certain plastic packaging items, the coronavirus outbreak has highlighted once again the benefits SUP packaging and beverage cups can bring, including a safe and hygiene way to consume a beverage on the go or in work.

    EVA writes to EU Commission and national authorities regarding SCA legislation

    The EVA has also written to financial authorities and the EU Commission to outline that recent legislation such as Regulations 2018/389 on Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) is potential aggravating sales in front of a vending machine, as where a PIN/verification is required it is resulting in greater queues in front of a machine and making social distancing measures harder.

    This month, the EVA also published information for consumers outlining that paying at vending machines is safe, with the World Health Organisation (WHO) confirming there are no additional risks to pay with cash, while also highlighting that electronic payments are quick and convenient.

    EU Green Deal: Calls for Farm to Fork Strategy to be postponed.

    Last month the EVA responded to the EU Commission stakeholder consultation on the Farm to Fork strategy, a flagship policy of the new EU Green Deal – a series of environmental policies designed to limit the Europe’s environmental footprint.

    A leak of the revised 2020 Commission Work Programme indicates that the publication of the Farm to Fork Strategy may be further delayed until later in the year. The strategy could eventually have some impact on vending include on healthier products and on greener supply.


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