Posted by da Agency
Towards a Kubernetes native Future – Cloud native technologies have now become mainstream. Enterprises are increasingly looking at CNCF and its flagship conference KubeCon/CloudNativeCon to keep up-to-date on the latest advancements in … Mehr zu Kubernetes Services, Kubernetes Training und Rancher dedicated as a […]

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Posted by da Agency
CRI-O 1.18 lands: Adds better insight, config hand … – CRI-O, which pitches itself as an open-source replacement for Docker as the runtime for Kubernetes, is now available in version 1.18, improving on configuration and logging, among other things. The r… Tweeted by @marcobravoram zu Kubernetes Services, […]

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Posted by da Agency
Querying MinIO with BlazingSQL – BlazingSQL is an open-source project, and as such, we gladly receive feature requests on our Github repository all the time. One such request (#242) was to allow registering a Storage Plugin that was… Mehr zu Kubernetes Services, Kubernetes […]

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Posted by da Agency
BDV fordert: Ermäßigte Mehrwertsteuer auf Vendin …

Vor wenigenTagen hat die Bundesregierung erste Beschlüsse zum schrittweisen Zurückfahren des Corona-Lockdowns bekannt gegeben … Mehr Infos unter: Infos zu Kaffeeautomaten, Getränkeautomaten, Snackautomaten, Warenautomaten und Vendingautomaten unter – Automaten Köln

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Posted by da Agency
k3s with k3d and MetalLB (on Mac) – In my previous post we could see how to get an external IP for load balancing on a k3s cluster running in multipass VMs and I promised to show you how MetalLB can work with k3d launched k3s […]

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