Posted By da Agency
Building a strong, innovative and sustainable vend …

  • The EVA published a new EU Manifesto ‘Building a strong, innovative and sustainable vending & coffee service sector’ during a launch on 15 March 2021, attended by the EU Commission, Members of the European Parliament and a range of other policy makers and stakeholders.

    The objective of the White Paper is to introduce policy makers to our high-level challenges and calls for action for the current parliamentary term, as well as outlining how vending has adapted to the ongoing health crisis. The Manifesto focuses on key topics for the industry including the circular economy, healthy lifestyles and machine & payment innovations.

    To read our latest positions and calls for action, click on the image to download the EVA EU Manifesto:Building a strong, innovative and sustainable vend …

    The post Building a strong, innovative and sustainable vending & coffee service sector appeared first on European Vending and Coffee Service Association (EVA).

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